Earlier this summer I decided it was time to remove the word “busy” from my vocabulary. Answering the question “How’s life?” with the answer “Busy!” had become too routine and I didn’t like it.
It’s easy to see “busy” as a badge of honor – as if the busier we are, the more important, well-liked, and respected we must be. Goodness is that far from the truth. Busy makes me want to shrink back under the covers and hide from all the things. Busy makes me short of breath with all the ways I feel I’m failing. Busy is often a distraction from digging into the good stuff of life – it keeps us always on the go, never settling in to slow down and soak up the little moments.
Sometimes busy isn’t really a choice though, and sometimes we have to endure a season of busy before we can move on to the next thing. For us this is a season of busy but I’m choosing to call it something different. Instead of busy, I’ve decided that full is a more fitting word to describe where we are right now. It doesn’t carry with it the frenetic feeling of overwhelm. Instead, full gives an accurate description without having that prideful “badge of honor” quality that the word “busy” can give off.
Life has been so very full lately you guys. Full in every sense of the word.
In the midst of this life-feeling-full-ness, I had to sit down and write this post for you guys. I’ve had the photos ready for weeks now, and the recipe is really the perfect one for a post about life feeling full. It’s super simple and great for a quick and delicious week night dinner, when you just can’t muster making an extravagant meal. You can even pat yourself on the back for taking one extra step to your taco-making by mixing the spices yourself. No need to buy a pre-made packet of who-knows-what to mix into your ground beef for tacos anymore. Enjoy!

Simple Beef Tacos
- 1 lb ground beef
- 1/3 c water
- 1/4 tsp cornstarch optional
- 1/4 tsp kosher salt
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 1/2 tsp chili powder
- Dash of onion powder
- Dash of paprika
- Dash of cayenne more to add more heat
- Brown the ground beef over medium heat. (Optional - whisk the corn starch into the water) Combine all spices in a small bowl while the meat is browning.
- Drain the ground beef, place it back in the pan, add water mixture and all spices to the pan.
- Simmer over medium low for a few more minutes, until most of the water has evaporated and the sauce has thickened slightly.
- Serve in tortillas with your favorite taco toppings!